World Scholar’s Cup Regional Round 2019
On Sunday 24th and Monday 25th of March 2019 PHS World Scholars students attended the first event of the World Scholar’s Cup calendar. This was The Regional Round, held at Brighton College International School, Bangkok. Three teams of three students successfully competed to earn a place in the upcoming Global Round, which will be held in Beijing in June. They competed in collaborative writing, scholar challenge, team debate, debate showcase, and scholar’s bowl over the course of the two day event against 397 scholars from 25 other schools, the biggest turnout in the event’s history.
Our students did exceptionally well. We collected over 50 medals, 4 trophies, and one of our teams ( JJ, Dew, and Krapook) were the second place junior team overall! We congratulate all of our student participants, and our teacher coaches, on a great result!